Designing fashionable clothes in South Africa

South African student develops her own clothing range

Aphindile is a grade 10, 16 year old learner from Voortrekker High School, Pietermaritzburg, in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa.

She is studying business studies and signed up for the Enterprise Adventure programme. Aphindile lives with her parents and 2 siblings who are at primary school.

After taking part in the programme, Aphindile started 'Ghost Clothing' which makes printed t-shirts, hoodies, track suits and hats. To begin with, the clothing range came in 2 colours - black and white. Aphindile wanted to start with simple colours that are unisex to see how people re-act to the clothing and then add in more colours in the future.

Putting theory into practice

When Aphindile was young, she wanted to start a business but didn't know how or where to start. She said since participating in the Enterprise Adventure programme she has been able to learn different aspects about a business such as how to do market research, promoting a business, finance recording and the importance of meeting the needs of customers.

“During the business studies class, I have learnt about market research, but I didn't have the chance to practically do it until I participated in the Enterprise Adventure. I am quite happy that the programme allows me to practice what I learn about, it makes it easier to answer questions in exams that asks you to give examples of how to complete market research and promote a business better. ”

Enterprise Adventure helped to make a dream become reality

In the Enterprise Adventure, Aphindile most enjoyed designing a logo and meeting her customers as she loved talking to different people about the clothes and hearing their feedback. Most of the customers said they like the fabric and how comfortable the clothes make them feel.

“I have realised that many of my customers love clothes that are unique and stylish, the clothing start selling from R100 for a hat and R600 for a pair of track suits. I offer different payment methods for expensive clothes, customers can pay a 40% deposit and pay the rest of the money within 3 months. ”

"I believe that the Enterprise Adventure program has benefited me and helped me to start my own business, I am so proud of myself and what I managed to achieve so far. My parents are also proud and have taken some of my clothes to show their colleagues at work and I have already received orders for jackets. I know my business can grow as I also advertise on Instagram and on Facebook, I receive most orders through social media advertising. I have made a profit of R1300 in 2 months but as the business grows, I am confident it will do better."