£20 Helps learners access key resources

You can support 20 individual learners to develop their skills by providing 20 printed Enterprise Adventure workbooks

£50 Helps students gain vital skills

You can support 16 children and young people to use our step-by-step resources and learn from planning and running a real business in their school

£100 Helps transform teaching

You can support training for 10 teachers in Africa or Central America to guide their students in practical entrepreneurship education through a school business

Donate by standing order or bank transfer

If you'd like to make a donation direct from your bank account to ours please contact us and we will provide the relevant details.

Gift aid

The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax.

Adding Gift Aid to your donations means charities can benefit even more from your gifts at absolutely no extra cost to you.

If you're a UK taxpayer, your donations can gain an extra 25p for every £1 you give. The Gift Aid scheme allows charities to claim the basic rate of tax you have paid on any donation you make.

Higher rate tax payers can claim additional tax benefits for donations they make to charity, which you can keep or pass on to any charitable organisation. Simply indicate how much you have donated when completing your tax self-assessment form.

For more information on Gift Aid please see these government guidelines.

In order for us to be able to claim Gift Aid on your donation please fill in and return this short form.

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